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School News

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  • 01/07/24

    Retirement of Chris French, CEO of Mercia Learning Trust

    As we approach the end of this academic year, we bid farewell to our CEO of Mercia Learning Trust, Chris French, who will be retiring this summer. Chris French has been an inspirational leader and dedicated educator, leaving an indelible mark on Mercia Learning Trust and the broader educational c...
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  • 26/04/24

    Food for Life Bronze Award for Totley!

    We are very proud to announce that we have been awarded Food for Life's Bronze School Award in recognition of the work we are doing around healthy eating at Totley. Food for Life awards are centred around four areas of development: Food Quality Food Leadership and Food Culture Food...
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  • 11/03/24

    All the right ingredients for a great Food Curriculum!

    In the fast-paced world of 2024, it is so easy for food to be viewed as ‘fuel’ to propel us from one busy part of the day to the next. Unfortunately, this need for convenience can result in children’s understanding of how their meals arrive in front of them and their wider view on...
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  • 17/01/24

    Playtime Push!

    One of our key priorities at Totley Primary is to make our playtimes as engaging as possible for all children – after all, playtimes make up 20% of children’s time in school! .
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  • 22/12/23

    Fabulous Festivities!

    The end of the Autumn term has seen our children enjoy a wide range of enriching festive experiences. 
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  • 09/11/23

    Little Litter Heroes!

    We are thrilled that a number of our children and families have been inspired by our dedicated community litter pickers, Julie and Richard, to go out into Totley to show respect for the local area by removing litter and improve the environment for everyone.
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  • 10/10/23

    Totley shines from the sky!

    We were blown away by the drone photography we had done of our school recently. Take a look!  
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  • 01/10/23

    Summer Upgrades!

    The new school year at Totley Primary started in a blaze of early autumn sunshine and it has been delightful to welcome our children back to their new classes, as well as saying a special hello to our wonderful Reception starters and their families.
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