Physical Education
PE Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
Strategic intent
To develop a curriculum which:
- Develops physical literacy for all children through a broad and balanced curriculum which is sequenced to help children know more, remember more and do more.
- Creates physically and mentally healthy pupils who have a lifelong love of sport, exercise and having a healthy lifestyle.
- Is tailored to meet the needs of all children, including the most vulnerable, so everyone can participate equally.
- Challenges children to develop their sport specific skills and knowledge progressively, developing their fluency of sport specific skills and allowing them to focus on tactical patterns.
- Is underpinned by the whole school attitudes to learning to create healthy competitors who can participate, officiate, self and peer assess.
- Because some children at Totley Primary School have developmental delays in their fine and gross motor skills, they access a tailored provision.
- Because some children at Totley Primary School do not have access to enriching out-of-school opportunities, we provide the experiences we know are valuable in developing the whole child through sporting opportunities, inter-school and intra-school competition, and sporting cultural capital.
Content and Sequence
- Using the Totley Contents and Skills Progression document, children in KS1 will develop their skills and knowledge of: fundamental movements, dance, gymnastics, team games, and striking and fielding. Children in KS2 will develop their skills and knowledge of: dance, gymnastics, athletics, team games, striking and fielding, outdoor & adventure activities and swimming. Learning is sequenced so skills are retrieved and practised, then developed across year groups.
- The sequence in which learning is introduced is deliberate. For example, in athletics, isolated movement patterns are taught first to later be applied in team games where these movement patterns are applied in combination. Within each learning journey, components are deliberately sequenced. For example, in gymnastics, children first master a forwards roll in order to apply this to a head stand.
- As in other curriculum areas, PE is sequenced so that children develop accuracy, fluency and finally tactical application.
Teaching and Learning, Assessment and Feedback
- The curriculum has been sequenced by the PE leader to ensure children learn more, know more and do more, incorporating interleaved learning to help embed skills and knowledge in children’s schema through differentiated lesson plans.
- Each strand of PE is taught twice in each year which initially allows children to develop accuracy and fluency of sport-specific skills, and later gives opportunity to apply tactical knowledge and deepen learning within game play. Pre-planned outcomes allow children to apply their understanding of defined curriculum end points.
- Within a lesson, adults give direct instruction through modelling, live feedback and sharing vocabulary. Children refine their new learning before applying it to a sporting context. Teachers identify those children ready for greater challenge or further support and adapt the lesson and learning journey to take account of children’s needs using STEP (Space, Task, Equipment, People). In a lesson, children are shown a ‘playtime practice’ activity for them to consolidate learning in independent playtime.
- A PE lesson will include a warm-up, retrieval and checking of prior learning, teaching vocabulary, modelling, differentiation and modification for children with SEND, feedback from the teacher and peers, and a structure of acquire/refine, practise/apply and extend deepen. Throughout, adults aim to ensure children are active for at least 80% of the session, provide verbal feedback specific to the teaching points and also identify when children are ready to move on to the next level of challenge.
- Our attitudes to learning are used to instil positive attitudes to sport: hard work, resilience, team work, independence, good listening and confidence.
- Children are assessed against the Content and Skills Progression document. Children are assessed as either working below, at or beyond the expected standard. Teachers are supported in these judgements by the PE leader and detailed exemplification. This assessment is used to tailor future learning so all children make progress. The PE leader monitors these assessments carefully in order to identify which children would benefit most from extra opportunities, and which staff would benefit most from CPD in specific subject areas.
- The engagement tracker will show which children have accessed sporting opportunities, clubs, intra-school and inter-school competition.
- Every child participates in authentic, competitive activities in all strands of PE (intra-school) and has an opportunity to complete in inter-school competition every year. Alongside a comprehensive co-curriculum offer, this engagement is meticulously monitored by the PE lead to ensure the vulnerable children benefit most from this offer.
- Weighing and measuring data will show how children at Totley Primary school leave in Year 6 who are healthy and lead a positive lifestyle.